CYN held its annual staff meeting and reflections from December 14–16, 2024

Friday December 20th, 2024
CYN held its annual staff meeting and reflections from December 14–16, 2024, in Siem Reap province. This was a time to review our work, practices, challenges, and lessons learned while preparing for 2025. During the meeting, we reviewed policies, discussed recent changes, tackled cross-cutting issues, and built team solidarity moving forward. We also focused on a capacity assessment to ensure we’re strengthening the internal skills and included an agenda to elect new staff representatives.
We want to express our gratitude to our colleagues for their hard work throughout the year, which contributed to numerous achievements, positive changes in our society, and the promotion of youth engagement, human rights, social justice, and environmental rights. Furthermore, we would like to say thank you to our funding partners, collaborators, friends, beneficiaries (youth and communities), interns, and members for your unwavering support in empowering youth across Cambodia.
Congratulations to Ms. Sun Sreynai, and Mr. Houy Mengteang, who selected to be a staff representative for two-year (2025-2026). We also thank and appreciate the efforts of our outgoing representatives, Ms. Eng Sreypov and Mr. Out Latin, for their facilitating during the 2023-2024.
Here are the greatest accomplishments of 2024, and we’re ready for upcoming brighter year, 2025.